Thursday, March 29, 2007

AHK Instructions

Here are instructions on how to use BetPot and the StarsAuto Reloader. It works the same way for Full tilt, you just have to download different things. I'll post for both.


1) Download AHK from and install it.

2) Download (For PokerStars, click Save and not run)

3) I recommend making a folder in My Documents called BetPot.

4) Go to the folder you just made, and there should be a file named BetPot-v0.2g. Right Click and click "Extract Files Here".

5) Now you'll have a folder called BetPot, open it.

6) You should see a piece of paper with the letter h on it, which is the script. Double click it and and you'll notice a green piece of paper with an H on it go to your tray in the bottom right. That means its activated.

If you open the BetPot.AHK file in notepad, you can change the betting amounts.

Pot(getid(),"1 1 1 1", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0)

Pot(getid(),"1", "smallblind", 0, 0)

Pot(getid(),"999", 1, 0, 0)

Pot(getid(),"0.75 0.75 0.66 0.66", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0)

~MButton is the middlewheel
1 1 1 1 is preflop, flop, turn, river

~RButton:: is the right mouse button
0.75 0.75 0.66 0.66 is preflop, flop, turn, river

IF IT DOESNT WORK: You have to change your windows theme from XP to standard, and your colour settings from 16bit too 32 bit. Also don't take the script out of where you extracted it to, sometimes it wont work. To close out the script, right click on the task tray and hit exit.

*Auto Reloader*

1) ^ From Above, if you did this already you dont need to do it again.

2) Download (Stars) (FT)

3) I recommend making a folder in My Documents called Auto Reloader.

4) ^ Same as above.

5) ^ Same as above.

6) ^ Same as above.

The auto reloader should work off the bat *IF* you're in the EST(Eastern Time Zone), if not you have to right click the scipt and open in notepad.


Below is the random key that you can hit to make you reload w/out waiting for the next hand where you had folded. You can change this at any time. So when you fold if you're at 97 of 100, hit f1 and ur stack goes to 100. Sometimes it does this anyway even if you hit the button to reload.

F1:: ; <-------- Hotkey for manual reload, point mouse, press := getid()

Any questions, concerns let me know


PearlSnapMan said...

Thanks for posting this! Can't wait to try it out.

Anonymous said...

Thanx so much, ive been looking for a simple method to get this goin. I followed directions, im finding the only thing thats happening for me is if i roll the wheel down the bet size increases one bb, this is just a flip of how a mouse would work with no extra programs. As i see no other things are happening for me. Am i I missing something simple? Thanx again(pokerStars)