Friday, June 29, 2007

We Run Good For A Change?

Well we ran decent. I was amped for the draft to come on, then POOF I fell asleep. I woke up around midnight staggering in my room trying to see who the Bulls drafted. I was whispering to myself "no noah, no noah, no noah...FUCK." Yea I don't like Joakim Noah and his Shawn Marion type jumpshot at ALL. Then the Bulls made me hate them even more by taking Aaron "the ogre" Gray in the 2nd Round. Are they trying to make me hate them? I would have rather been the Pacers and not have any picks.
So I started playing as one of greater blunders in the Giants history was playing in the background. The 2002 wildcard game against the 49ers. The G-Men were playing the best football in the league during the end stretch of the season and into the playoffs. I really think they would have made it to the Super Bowl and possibly won if they didn't blow it. Anyway, after making a few bluffs that didn't work(obv) I started to get in a groove. I was knockin em dead left and right and I soon found myself rooooobuuustoooo!!! I had closed my 2 tables out until I realized I should pull a lucko and ss my tables. The other two looked like the same with one having $98 and the other having $82.

The end of the H.O.R.S.E event is in progress right now with 3 players left. I really haven't mentioned The worlds biggest poker event(cant use that 4 letter word) because of their disgusting restrictions. Anyway we have cash home game this Saturday at Hep's which should be fun. Adios.
*Edit - Freddy Deeb took the horse event down

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