Monday, January 15, 2007

It's Over.

I have to stop the 5k goal in 31 days. I don't want to use the word "quit", because I really don't feel I am. Tonight i dropped another $300 or so in some of the sickest ways ever. I don't know how many 75-25's I'm gonna lose in this stretch. Losing isn't really the reason why im stopping. I can cope with losses fine. Even though this is the second most I've lost in this short period of time. I'm afraid I will try to play out of my bankroll to get money quickly for the 5k. Plus I think i need to take a few days off if thats at all possible. I made so many tilted calls tonight because everything was running bad.

Those are 2 things that i pride myself in with poker and life in general. Bankroll Management is hugely important considering i have no job right now(other than the poker income). Also, I never really tilt, but on the rare occasion that i do, it gets bad. Heres some of the hands from tonight's debacle which i will try and explain in detail. Plus I will try to go chronologically. I started playing 1-2 because I was playing really well in the afternoon time. - So we have an UTG mini raiser. I never like raising people who raise utg unless I have a really strong read on them, in this case i didnt. So I flat call and the blinds come along for the ride. Hit the straight on the turn and I don't raise because there are still a lot of draws out there and dont want to get too pot committed. The river bricks out and he still bets. So we know he has a Ten, but don't know his other card. Well actually i did call it out then called his bet to reveal the queen. Bad Call? Probably. - I think this might have been the hand right after the first one i posted. It was against the same guy and I didn't know if he thought he could outplay me or really had a hand. Another hand played horribly. - Around the same time at a different table. Apparently I can't even get people off hands. I knew he had a weak king as soon as he insta called me on the turn. Maybe if C/R then led out he would have folded...nah who am i kidding. - This hand made me super angry. Like I said up top, I'm not going to re raise an utg raiser. I flop a set, but the dreaded diamonds are up there. I bet the pot, and immediately got mini raised. I didn't think he flopped a flush at all because the donks dont play the nuts that aggressively on the flop. I put him on AA or KK with a diamond. So i flat call to see what the turn is. The 8 shouldn't have helped him at all and he bets a little under half the pot. I thought this was a very weak bet and shoved on him. He calls off his remaining 65 and im praying for the board to pair. He then tables 9d 9h.

At this point I'm kind of shocked. I really can't think of a scenario in my head where if the roles were reversed I would be getting all my money in there. Let's think about this for a minute. For theoretical purposes, suppose I have Ad Jc, hes drawing to a flush with a 9, hes beat there. Or even i flopped a flush, hes completely drawing dead. The play was just horrible and from here i completely went on tilt. - Different table, different guy who wasnt on the table and obv lee told him i was completely on tilt. But, I mean I am 50/50 to win with a pair, and my FAV # is Ten following the last hand so I had to call. a slkfjas;lkdfja;lsdjf - This pretty much says it all...damn my luck
trixter23 said, "im gonna call cuz im completely on tilt right now"
trixter23 said, "nh" - I could see where this was going.. - No respect for position. - Dropped to .25/.50(which i cant take seriously), why would i hit my draw? who are we kidding.

I dont think I'm playing THAT bad, but I would have to maintain a high level of play throughout the next 24 days or so, and i just CAN NOT go busto. I also hope I'm not dissapointing anyone by making this decision. Maybe in the future I will try this again.

1 comment:

PearlSnapMan said...

You have to do what you have to do. I'll still be checking in on you. Good Luck.