From 18 on down to the final table my setup was great. I had the 2 absolute tightest players on my left and the chip leader at the time was folding every hand so I was able to steal pretty much whenever I wanted. Towards the last couple of times before the bubble burst they either picked up hands or saw what I was doing and decided to play back and I dropped a little bit. We made it to the Final Table and found ourselves in the middle of the pack or so.

I would say about 4 hands later when I was on the button I made a pretty marginal call.
AT vs QQ
I thought I would be ahead of his range there even though it was for a lot of my stack. Plus the money didn't really make a difference to me. I wanted to accumulate so I could make a run at first. With 9 bb's I think this was an OK call. My stack was now at 62k, good for 2nd in chips at the time. 2 hands later came the big hand of the night for me which gave me a huge stack. The chip leader at the time who was a very tight player, raised utg and I had AK. We were definitely too deep for a flat out shove so I cold called. I'd be able to get away easy if I missed and be able to play a pot in position. I got a gem of a flop. He insta shoves and I probably beat him into the pot and river a flush. So now we're sitting REALLY good.
Huge Pot

A few hands later I pop it up with KQhh. Banini flat calls in the sb. I hit the flop hard(tehe) so we just give him the pile. I thought he was trying to get more money with the other shorties. If he had shoved pre I would have folded. He gets unlucky and we go to 4 handed play.

2 hands later pokrprodgy shoves and I wake up with QQ in the bb, he hits the ole Ace on the river. Which is ok considering how lucky I've gotten.
QQ vs A9
I think I made a pretty tight lay down in a hand a few orbits later. I was raising almost every hand and no one was playing back until pokrprodgy starting shoving on me. I was probably ahead on this hand, but I felt like I had real control over the table and I didn't really need to race for chips.
Tight laydown
I was rewarded the very next hand after this and got it in very good. Notice I raised and left him 1 chippy.
JJ vs TT
2 hands again after that I got it all in with skeez since he had no chips. Won that race to..obv
Another race won weeee
So we entered heads up with about a 225-110 chip lead. I was playing small pots and pretty much outplaying the guy through the first 10-15 hands or so. It was pretty much like this for a while. He started to get angry at me and was open shoving on the button and what not. I let him trap himself after a few times of that and won the tournament here. You know it wasn't a great tournament monetarily, but I think it gives me the boost I need to just get over that hump of running bad. Hopefully I can transition this into some bigger scores in the coming weeks. For those who don't know, you can click the blue links to be directed to the hand history.

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