That helps the BR on Full Tilt out pretty significantly. I'm 10 bucks short of 30 buyins for the next level of Sit and Go's which is the $10 level. There really isn't that much difference between the two, but I might play 100 $5 sng's considering I'm half way there already. I just got done with another PLO tournament. I bubbled yet again in 13th. I had limped on the button with 20k behind with 9935 after 5 ...yes 5 people limped in front of me. It's an easy situation where I'm looking for a 9 or folding. I got an absolute perfect flop of 9 3 5 rainbow. I bet 5500 into the 6500 pot and got c/r all in by a guy who I had covered by about 400 chips. I insta-call and he flips KKJ3. Of course he gets there on the river with a King and I'm out.
I'll continue to play sng's and mtt's on the side, I'm smelling a big win in the near future.
1 comment:
I have been reading your posts and would like to improve my game. Could you provide a brief outline of your strategy? Thank you
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