As for FT. Well they officially shut me down 2 days ago. I got everything setup withdrew $75 to see if it would work. Surprisingly it went through. After another good day I tried to withdraw again, and after about 2 hours I got an email saying it was voided. I emailed them back and I got an Insta-email back from support. They saw my multiple accounts and shut it down. It was a reach and I thought I would give it a try.
The 3 days that I did play cash over at FTP were surprisingly different from the playres over at Stars. They play much more passive. As an example, they cc'ed with their big pairs alot and would just check/call with them. At stars, most of the time you're getting 3 bet. For some reason I found myself being more aggressive at FTP. My VPIP was around 25% where at the same level on stars I'm playing at about 21%. The only mtt I played, I actually made the FT of a $2 rebuy. I like tilts structure way better for some reason.

I went out in 8th in ridiculous fashion. Heres the hand..
I almost check folded here because I really didn't know where I was in the hand. Such drawaments and everything else out there. But it was 4am and I said fuck it. If i knew he was going to call me with QJ high, I would have shoved much quicker lol. So I put my money back on Stars yesterday, but didn't play at all. I did start playing today and am up a quick 2 buyins. God I love you stars!

Some hands to note.. - Nice - One of the few times I get cute at 25NL. This is part player dependent also. I very rarely fire a 3rd barrel here on the river. - Cooler for that guy. - Thought he had a bigger hand i guess. Did he really think I would complete with 24?
The good part about this month is that my winrate is $23.86/hr. The bad part is I've only logged 10 hours. I dont know what my problem is, but I have to get motivated to play or get a job. Man I really hate that word. Hopefully the weather holds for the day since we're playing ball tonight. Especially since we aren't playing Tuesday. Thats all for now, I'm going to watch Wasicka wrap up the Heads up title.
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