http://www.pokerhand.org/?686429 - This hand there is nothing much i can do. I really wanted to take this down pre flop, but got no respect and they both cold called. My image up to this point was a tight solid game, but no one had looked me up yet, so I thought it was a nice time to make a little squeeze play. When i flop my set there are 2 hands im worried about. QQ and AK. Axera was a pretty weak player, so i thought if he had aces he would have 4 bet pre flop. I wasn't sure exactly what westmore had. I made the push because i didn't want to second guess myself. And of course he calls with TPTK and hits his miracle card.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?686437 - So this hand was just nuts. There were 2 limpers and i made a position raise with 9T of spades. Sort of again wanting to take it down there. I could have bet a little more here possibly 10 or 11 dollars which would have been pot. We got a surprise when 2 people called to come along for the ride. Including the sb. This is a flop thats rarely going to hit anyone so i elect not to continuation bet. Which possibly could have been a mistake. I wanted the free card in case i was against 10s or jacks or something of that nature. The turn hits and its not something that would help anyone unless they have 4s. When snowdin makes the $12 bet into a $31 dollar pot you can read it as 1 of 2 things. It's either a probing bet to see where hes at, hes extremely weak, or maybe he has a made hand and lookin for someone to raise him. I'm always suspicious of those small bets and i read them as weakness. The problem here though is that he doesnt have much money left behind him. So if he does in fact push, im committed to the hand and i have to call. I make the raise and he pushes. And like usual we miss our 15 outer. I know i played the hand a little bad, but that guy has absolutely no reason to be in the hand at all. Calling a raise in the sb with QJ then 4 betting with COMPLETE air is ridiculous. Did he really think I was going to fold?
Here's a couple of standard plays I make.
I'm going to get back to playing and if anything interesting happens i'll be sure to post
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