I had quite a few interesting hands i wanted to go over that happened during my session last night. I've been 8 tabling .50/1 lately because of my struggles. There were some hands i got lucky, but my opponent shouldnt have been in the hand anyway. Then there were some hands where i got guys to give me chips with air. I'll talk about why i made each move also.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $1.00 BB (8 handed)
Hand History Converter Tool from
FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: HTML)
MP2 ($67.05)
CO ($151.10)
Button ($98.50)
SB ($22.95)
BB ($100)
trixter23 ($215.10)
UTG+1 ($94.45)
MP1 ($178.30)
Preflop: trixter23 is UTG with Ks, Kd.
trixter23 calls $1,
3 folds, CO calls $1,
1 fold, SB completes, BB checks.
Here this is pretty standard. Probably about 75% of the time i limp with aces and kings when I am in early position. I look for a raiser so I can 3 bet and hopefully take the pot down there. Aces and Kings are super hands in tournaments, but in cash games they are completely overplayed most of the time. Unfortunately we don't get that raiser, so we have to be aggressive, but proceed with caution.Flop: ($4) Jh, 4h, 6h
(4 players)SB checks, BB checks, trixter23
bets $3, CO calls $3, SB folds, BB folds.
Probably the worst flop i can get. I dont have a redraw, so I want to control the pot size so it doesnt get too large. I throw a $3 feeler bet out there and i get a insanely quick instacall. This means 1 of 2 things. He already has the nuts and im drawing pretty dead, or he is most likely on a draw with either the Kh or Ah. Turn: ($10) Kc
(2 players)trixter23 bets $6, CO calls $6.
Pretty nice card for me, but I could still be in trouble and this card will hinder me from getting off the hand so easily. Again i got the quick insta call. I think by now if he had his flush, he would have raised here.River: ($22) 3c
(2 players)trixter23 checks,
CO bets $12, trixter23 calls $12.
Now this is a play I LOVE making. I'm about 90% sure I'm ahead here and i check. You do this because if your opponent was on a flush draw and you bet out again, hes not gonna call. Let your opponent make a mistake by trying to bluff and committ more money in the hand. So i let him bet 12 dollars and i call.Final Pot: $46
Alchemy1600: shows [Ah Tc] (high card Ace)
trixter23: shows [Ks Kd] (three of a kind, Kings)
And just as we suspected, he shows high card ace with the ace of hearts and we take down a nice pot. Now next time when im in EP i will raise with AA or KK and next time maybe i have a suited connector or small pp ill limp in EP. You always have to mix up your play to keep everyone guessing.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $1.00 BB (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: HTML)
UTG ($87.05)
UTG+1 ($117)
MP1 ($149.35)
MP2 ($100)
MP3 ($24)
CO ($99.50)
trixter23 ($107.40)
SB ($94.25)
BB ($189.30)
Preflop: trixter23 is Button with 9c, Ac.
1 fold, UTG+1 calls $1, 4 folds, Button raises to $4, 2 folds, UTG+1 calls $3.
This hand I was basically playing position with an Ace on the button. We do have to note tho that there was an EP limper.
Flop: ($9.50) 5c, Qc, Tc (2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Button bets $4, UTG+1 raises to $8, trixter23 calls $4.
Well, it's always fun to flop the nuts. I have been making continuation bets the entire time so I still do it. I get a nice little surprise from our opponent, when i get insta mini raised. I really didn't know what he had at this point. Either he had the Kc, maybe he hit a set, I just don't know. I don't want to scare him away so i just flat call. Plus if he does have his set I don't want to throw a HUGE raise out there and be faced with a tough decision on the turn. Now remember, we always thought mini raise meant monster from our previous posts. But basically theres no reason to raise this at all.
Turn: ($25.50) 6h (2 players)
UTG+1 bets $15, Button raises to $40, UTG+1 calls $25.
When the turn bricks like this, now we have to pounce. The immediate bet out made me think he flopped a flush to. The odds of that are pretty slim tho. If he does have a set, hes gonna have to pay for it now. So we make a nice little 2.5x raise from his bet, and we get called.
River: ($105.50) 8h (2 players)
UTG+1 bets $35, Button raises to $55.4, UTG+1 calls $20.40.
Ok so we still have the nuts, and hes STILL betting into us, beautiful. This hand should be nominated for worst hand ever played on stars.
Final Pot: $216.30
trixter23: shows [9c Ac] (a flush, Ace high)
AZPatientMan: mucks hand
trixter23 collected $213.30 from pot
AZPatientMan leaves the table - yes u should leave the table
Seat 2: AZPatientMan mucked [Js 9h]
The only mistake i made during this hand was not getting to his name and putting in a note that said GIANT DONKEY quick enough before he left.