I was playing $.50/$1 and was beating the game pretty easily but my sample size is too small. The next day i wound up giving $200 back of the $500 i had one the day before. I think i need a larger bankroll to be playing cash games online.
Then we have sng's. I took a shot at a $30 regular sng and got 4th. I bubbled when my 55 got outraced by AT when he hit his 10 on the river. So i was tryin the $6 speeds again, and i think i finally got how to play them down. My last 8 results look like this.
Type Entry Entrants Profits
Turbo $6 9 $20.50
Turbo $6 9 $20.50
Reg $4 180 $4.24
Turbo $6 9 $9.70
Turbo $6 9 $4.30
Turbo $6 9 $20.50
Turbo $6 9 -$6.50
Reg $20 9 $14
I am currently easily bankrolled for the $15's and almost the $27's but i want to get my technique down before i move up. This graph is from sharkscope. Note from the 700th Sng on is when i joined PXF. So i guess im making huge strides in my sng play. Because the Regular sng's take so long if i master these turbo's it will be a great thing. Good luck everyone.

1 comment:
Impressive stats from 700 on. what strategy are you using?
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