Thursday, July 13, 2006

New Home Game

My buddy Greg has wanted me to go to his home game for a couple weeks now. I've always had things to do on Wednesday nights, but i cleared my schedule after my basketball game last night and headed on over. I only knew 2 other people that were there so it would be a fun night. Reason being is because i get to make a first impression. None of these guys have seen how i play, nor have i seen how they play. So who has the advantage? Did you really think i was going to say anyone but myself? Going into a room of new players it's fun because you dont have an image. It's like if you were not popular at a school, then you moved across the country you can start off fresh.

We had a total of 22 people. I must say everything was very organized. I didn't get the name of the program the guy used, but he had a tournament program that would keep tract of avg chip count, levels, etc etc. He had the main computer, and 2 monitors in each corner of the room. He had 3 poker tables set up, 1 that was very nice, an octagon table that was good and another 9 man table that was clean also. I felt like i kind of got the shaft on the first couple of tables. The reason i say that is 4 people didnt show up. So we had to blind off their stacks. This meant that i couldn't take their chips.

I only had to identify how 2 players at my table played. The guy directly to my left played a very LAG type. I would be able to get him later. I didn't get any cards in the early going at all. So i was playing pretty tight. Then 2 more players filled the seats and we could get going. I got half of LAG players chips when i flopped a pair of aces and turned 2 pair, he folded to my river bet. One of the new players on the table was raising and everyone would fold and respect those raises and he would show an ace after the folds. He made a 3x raise UTG and i had AQ on the button so i repopped to 400, he re raised again and i folded and he again showed an ace saying, i wouldnt mess around with you UTG. I then took LAG players last chips when my AQ out raced his 77 when i turned a queen.

i had about 2200 when i picked up KK on the button. The UTG raiser from before was in the bb and he was the only one who called my 3x raise. The flop came Q 5 2. Excellent flop for Kings. I made a continuation bet of 400, he thought for a moment and re popped to 800. I went hollywood for a couple seconds and just went all in. I had him covered by about 400 chips and he folded. So i only had to showdown 1 hand while i was at the table.

With starting stacks of T1000, i managed to triple my stack, then a little more and ended up with T3200 at the FT. Well again as i said we had less players than the other tables, everyone else had about an average of T6000. I didnt do anything crazy and found myself easily short stacked. I pushed in on the button for T1600 with blinds at 200/400 with A6. The big blind had a little bit more chips than me called with 33. He hit his set on the flop and just to taunt me the Ace came, but i was done. I will definitely be playing there again because i can see already it will be very profitable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.