Monday, April 30, 2007
April Recap
So with losing, there in lies consequences. For most likely all of May I'm dropping all the way down to 25NL 6 max. I need to get my confidence back and remember where I came from. There was a time when I thought I could just open the table up and run it over. You can't do that at the micro stakes. You rarely play with the same players so you have to play a nice sound game every time you sit down.
I want to get down to AC atleast 1 time a week, or 4 times in total for the month. Playing live is 2143213x better than looking at a screen all day. It's going to be a real grind this month, but hopefully everything will turn out ok.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I'm Done
Just to show you a little of what I'm talking about here, here's 2 hands that show how the deck hates me with a passion.
Now usually, I would be playing this hand extremely aggressively post flop. But this time I figured; whats the point?..I'm not going to hit anyway.
BB ($143.10)
UTG ($124.05)
UTG+1 ($109.40)
MP1 ($69.95)
MP2 ($36)
MP3 ($83.90)
Hero ($100)
Button ($102.70)
SB ($53.10)
Preflop: Hero is CO with Td, 9d.
1 fold, UTG+1 calls $1, 3 folds, Hero calls $1, 2 folds, BB checks.
Flop: ($3.50) 8d, 2d, Jh (3 players)
BB checks, UTG+1 bets $1, Hero calls $1, BB folds.
Turn: ($5.50) 4s (2 players)
UTG+1 bets $1, Hero calls $1.
River: ($7.50) 2s (2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero checks.
Final Pot: $7.50
UTG+1 has 5s 8c (two pair, eights and twos).
Hero has Td 9d (one pair, twos).
Outcome: UTG+1 wins
So, I was a 70-30 fav on the flop. How many outs you ask? That would be 21 outs twice ladies and gentleman. I could raise, but will I get any action from villain? Probably not. I would have raised myself into 10 high. Which is always a good situation.
This next one, sigh, what do I have to do? You see this is what keeps happening over and over and over again. My br doesnt like it..and I certainly dont like it.
SB ($44.70)
Hero ($50.75)
UTG ($28.45)
MP ($49.55)
CO ($74.75)
Button ($48.70)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Ks, Kd.
UTG calls $0.50, MP calls $0.50, 2 folds, SB completes, BB raises to $2.5, UTG calls $2, MP raises to $5, SB folds, BB raises to $20, UTG folds, MP calls $15.
Flop: ($43) Ts, 2c, 8c (2 players)
BB bets $30.75 (All-In), MP calls $29.55 (All-In).
Turn: ($103.30) 3d (2 players, 2 all-in)
River: ($103.30) Ad (2 players, 2 all-in)
Final Pot: $103.30
Hero has Ks Kd (one pair, kings).
MP has 3h 3c (three of a kind, threes).
Outcome: MP wins $102.10. Hero wins $1.20.
And it keeps coming 1 right after another. More to come later.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Nice Session to Start the Week - For this level, it was just bad. Maybe if i throw out a 3rd barrel on the river at way higher stakes, I MIGHT get someone to fold. Here, it's not happening though. When he calls the raise on the flop, I think I should have been done with the hand. - Pretty standard. - Just the kind of flop I needed for this hand. And most likely one of the only ways I do get paid off here. I almost thought I was completely drawing dead here to Aces. I mean it all added up. The small raise pre flop. To the check of the flop, flat calling the turn, then huge bet on the end. Luckily, I had a note on this person that helped me out tremendously to call here. I probably fold if I didn't have it.
I'm gonna grab some lunch and play some more..
We went up to play ball last night since it was gorgeous outside. There were a ton of people up there and we could only get half court going. It didn't get dark for about an hour and a half so we played till then. Earlier in the day I went to the community center to get tokens for the lights. It's like 50 cents for a half hour of the lights staying on. So we waited till the guys at the other end left and tried the lights. Obviously, they werent going on. Coooooooooler. Everyone just left and we're going back up tonight. I'll post later on tonight after I get back.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
3 interesting hands with Aces
To set the situation, I had just sat down at this table. I recognized 1 person which is kind of irregular for this time of the day. 1 orbit had passed before this hand had come up. So my image was clean to everyone, unless they had prior hands with me. I don't recognize the player who was in the hand with me either. Had no PT stats on him, so I was going to have to go by feel and reads alone.
SB ($123.20)
Hero ($115.55)
Preflop: Hero is CO with As, Ad.
3 folds, CO raises to $4, 1 fold, SB calls $3.50, 1 fold.
We get AA in the cutoff and make my standard raise to $4. The small blind cold calls and we go to the flop.
Flop: ($9) Kc, Qh, 5s (2 players)SB checks, CO bets $6, SB raises to $12, CO raises to $30, SB calls $18.
Ok so we get a decent flop for our hand. I make a standard continuation bet of $6 into the $9 pot. Then I'm met with an insta-mini raise. This was very very quick. I thought he had either a weak King and wanted to see where he was at, maybe even a smaller pair. I couldn't rule out a Queen or even a set here. We don't know this player at all. Folding here really isn't an option. Calling is acceptable, but I don't want to play the hand from a passive position. I currently have position on him and want to keep it that way. I want to be the one dictating the action. I believe the right play here was to raise. When I look at this hand, my raise may have been kind of small. A 2.5x 4 bet seems pretty strong to good players. Then again we don't know this guy.
Turn: ($69) Kh (2 players)
SB bets $15, Hero calls $15.
Probably one of the worst cards in the deck. At this point I wasn't really beating too much. I had a Queen, 5, any under pair, or a complete bluff beat. If he had the King, he caught up to me. After he called my 4 bet on the flop I was pretty sure I was done with the hand if a sizeable bet came on the turn. Here he comes out with a weak lead of $15. He saw me raise the flop, so he knows I have a hand. Either he has a complete monster and he wants me to raise again, he's scared of the king, or he doesn't think his hand is good anymore and wants to get to a showdown. When a player usually makes this bet I raise again if I have a solid read on the person. Otherwise I'll just call as I did here.
River: ($99) 3s (2 players)
SB bets $40, Hero folds.
Wow, well I was kind of surprised to see this bet on the river. I just don't think a player who doesnt have a hand bluffs this at all. Lets go back to what we beat, Queen, 5, under pair, or a bluff. The way he played it makes me think that I'm looking at KQ, KJ, AK, set of 5s, set of Qs. From his point of view, I raised pre, 4 bet the flop, flat called the turn. What hand is he putting me on? I made the decision to lay it down, because I thought there was too many hands working against me here. Let's see what he had.
Final Pot: $139
SB shows [Jc Tc] (a pair of Kings)
I was extremely surprised by this. I'm not sure how he 3 barrels me after how I had played the hand. The whole reason I put the 4 bet out on the flop was to get rid of hands like these. Other than an ace, this was the best card for him on the turn. If a 9 comes I'm probably folding. Ace hits and I'm getting my stack in. I don't think villain played the hand well at all, he got extremely lucky with the King on the turn so he could rep that atleast. In the long run, this is a losing play in my opinion.
The 2nd hand here happened when I converted over to 50NL 6 max. I play pretty aggressively at 6 max which has its ups and downs. Again I was only at the table a couple of hands and had no real read on any of these guys. The guy to my right(button) was extremely loose/passive. Meaning he would love to see flops, but would play the very weak and fold almost every time.
CO ($39.05)
Button ($52.65)
Hero ($60.45)
BB ($30)
UTG ($89.25)
MP ($46.25)
Preflop: Hero is SB with As, Qc.
1 fold, MP raises to $2, 1 fold, Button calls $2, SB raises to $7.5, 1 fold, MP raises to $13, Button folds, Hero calls $5.50.
Ok, here is a squeeze play I was going to make. As I said previously, the button was weak, so I thought if I could get past the original raiser I would be fine. If not, no problem. We would play the hand accordingly from there. When it gets back to MP we get another re raise to $13. These little mini raises are so bad. It was only $5 more so i had to make the call. It's safe to say here we're putting him on something big. AA KK QQ and AK are the hands you typically see here. I'm folding to a flop bet about 80% of the time.
Flop: ($28.50) Ks, 7s, 6s (2 players)
SB bets $22, MP raises to $33.25, Hero calls $11.25.
Wow ok, now we have a decision to make. Putting him on those hands would he fold to a large bet here? AA he has no redraw and staring 3 spades and a King in the face. KK has to be in my range here. If he has KK though, hes just not folding. QQ, I could get him to fold. AK its player based. He would have TPTK, but no redraw either. The problem is if I fire out a bet here, I'm committed to the hand. I thought about it for a couple secs then I fired 22 into the 28.50 pot. Villain jams and I call.
Turn: ($95) Tc (2 players)
River: ($95) 5c (2 players)
Final Pot: $95
Hero has As Qc (high card, ace).
MP has Ah Ad (one pair, aces).
Outcome: MP wins $95.
Well he had Aces obv. I think i was a 3-2 dog here on the flop. The turn gave me 4 extra outs. But for stars I had too many outs. This may be a reason why I have been losing lately at this level. They just dont fold lol. Another part of this hand that was amusing was his chat afterwards.
said, "you really tricked me there i thought you had a set of kings"
said, "lol"
said, "you are such a trixter"
trixter23 said, "i thought i could get u to lay down a big hand with no redraw"
trixter23 said, "i had outs, oh well"
said, ""lay down a big hand" i don't resect any of you that much"
said, "respect"
trixter23 said, "u got called by a 4 bet ur staring at 3 spades on a flop and put me on KK and a king flops"
trixter23 said, "respect or not, you went with it anyway"
trixter23 said, "i dont think it was a good call"
trixter23 said, "but u won gl"
said, "no very good call it doesn't matter if i think you have KK"
said, "you rocks think AK is the nuts"(As I was playing 28/23)
I just thought this guys reasoning was a little bit funny on that hand. To the last hand. This one was pretty straight forward.
CO ($49.25)
Button ($38.40)
Hero ($52.05)
BB ($68.80)
UTG ($79.75)
MP ($92.15)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Ad, Ac.
UTG calls $0.50, 2 folds, Button calls $0.50, SB raises to $2.5, BB calls $2, UTG calls $2, Button calls $2.
AA in the sb with limpers, raise it upppppppppp. Not particularly happy with having to play this hand out of position against 3 callers.
Flop: ($10) Ah, 8s, Th (4 players)
SB bets $5.5, BB raises to $15, UTG folds, Button folds, SB raises to $49.55, BB calls $34.55.
That's a pretty good flop for Aces. No reason to slowplay here. It's a drawy board and we want to get in and out as quick as possible. We meet a nice raise out of the big blind here. KQh J9h 888 and TTT come to mind here. But I kind of forgot how bad people play down low.
Turn: ($109.10) 5s (2 players)
River: ($109.10) 9h (2 players)
Final Pot: $109.10
Hero has Ad Ac (three of a kind, aces).
BB has As Kh (one pair, aces).
Outcome: Hero wins $109.10.
Ship the Money!
Comments on how you would played these hands would be cool.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Checking In
We're halfway through the month, and my goal of 30k hands is still realistic. Although I have only played 11 days this month(1 day being live). I'm at 12k right now. These are all mostly Full Ring hands to. I imagine I would be at the halfway mark if I played a few more 6 max hands.
Everyone will be over tonight for some home game action. Hopefully I can break my cold streak I'm having. I haven't made the money in a little over a month which is sad. Anyway if any cool hands come up today I'll post
Sunday, April 08, 2007
April Decides to Shed Some Light
I'm just going to give a brief summary of the trip report from down in AC on friday. I hope everyone is having a good Easter. I will post a much more detailed version tomorrow, but for now just specifics. I even chopped when i got heads up with a guy in the 2pm tournament at Hilton. First was a little over 1k. Second was a little over 600. So we each took $840. The jesey guys 101.5 tournament was a complete disaster. What a complete waste of time it was. Then again, if I didn't go down for that, I wouldn't have been down there for the 2pm tourney either.
Tonight I'll be at the 76ers game, first row next to the bench. I'll take some pics on my cell phone and post them Monday.
Again have a safe and happy Easter!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Everything was going extremely well. I kind of hit a snag. I wasn't chipping up and had 36k with 1500/3k blinds. Then some things started going my way. Someone had open limped and sb completed and we saw a hand. No one bet at all and i fired 7500 into the 10k pot. Everyone folded and I showed the bluff. The one guy said I now had a target on my back. I said good. I'm not showing it for my health.
3 hands later I got hit in the face with the deck at the right time. The same guy who said I had a target on my back popped to 9k. I held AA and shoved for 36k. The button 4 bets all in. It's another classic race situation for me when he flips AK soooooooooooted. He flops 4 to the flush and somehow I hold. Excellent, now we're at 84k. The very next hand I'm utg+1, when i miraculously pick up AA yet again. Make the standard raise to 9k and the guy who just shoved with AK shoves his remaining 32k in the pot and flips QJ. I make the insta-call and AK7 flops. Thankfully he didnt hit the 4 outer and I'm not sitting on 122k.
My table layout was great and I was really able to abuse the people to my left with ease. I chipped up to 175k w/out showing down a hand. Blinds are now 4k/8k and a short stack makes it 40k to go with 24k left behind. I shove in with KK and he flips A7. He obviously hits his Ace and I'm down to 88k. 2 hands later, there was an EP raise and I shoved with AK. I thought i was above his range from his image. Surprisingly a player behind me called as well. So a 3 way all in saw the EP first raiser have QQ, me with AK, and the caller had JJ. 2 all ins in front and he somehow calls with jj? I hit my ace and am now at 265k.
2 Winning all ins later with QQ beating A6 and winning a 3 way pot with KQ, I was 4th in chips with 696k. Blinds were now 10k/20k and I had QQ on the button. I had just raised the last hand in the sb to take the pot. My image was stil fairly tight, playing 1-2 hands in position each orbit. So I raised it up to 60k and bb jams for 400k. After some thought of his range, I decided to call and he flipped Tens. Perfect!...
Flop 4 9 K
Turn 5
As I'm jumping for joy about to win the 850k+ pot to become the chip leader with 40 left...
River 10 (OBVIOUSLY)
Now I'm left with 278k and 13 bb's with an M of 6. I'm up to 316k when i get dealt AA yet again. Short stack jams for 120k total and I make the call. He flips up the A6 and we're Off to the races weeeee.
Flop A Q J
Turn K
As I'm yelling NO NO NO NO in the chat box
River Ten
My luck really couldn't get any worse. 5 hands later I get Kings and stack the guy who chopped with me earlier and I'm now at 400k. 2 steals later I'm at 500k. 10 hands later I find myself with QQ utg(I know I'm a card rack this tourney, but wahts the use if im getting sucked out on). Blinds 15k/30k and we raise it up to 90. I get a confusing cold call from the sb. Flop comes A 6 6 and he leads for 120k. This is a really tough spot. Villain has me covered by about 50k. I'm pretty sure AJ+ 88+ he 3 bets me pre flop. What is he putting me on? What are you leading into me for when i showed strength raising utg? I thought maybe he had like TT or JJ maybe even KK and lead to see where he stood. I ruled a 6 out. Could it be possible he cc's with AK AQ? If i shove is he going to fold A2-AJ? I had 25% of my stack in the middle. If I folded, I would be left in push/fold mode. I decided it was best to shove.
Well that didn't work, he insta-called me with ....AT. Board bricks and I'm out in 30th place of 2789 people. Not playing many MTT's in the last 2 months or so, It felt good that I could just go in and play well. A few breaks go my way and I'm looking at an easy final table with a chance at 6k. But nope, April owns me.
Friday I'm heading down to Atlantic City to participate in a tournament sponsored by 101.5's the jersey guys at the hilton. It's invitation only and I believe they are giving out some cool stuff. Hopefully lots of people stay afterwards to play cash. All the participants called into the show to get in. I'll have a trip report on Saturday. Then Sat night we have home game action. Sunday I have floor seats for the 76ers game. And by floor I mean first row FLOOR seats. Should be fun. Maybe I can make some money for once poker gods?
See ya around.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Day of the Donkey.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed)
Hand History Converter Tool from
(Format: HTML)
BB ($13.30)
UTG ($21.45)
MP ($62.70)
CO ($62.75)
Hero ($82.35)
SB ($27.30)
Preflop: Hero is Button with Tc, Td.
1 fold, MP calls $0.50, 1 fold, Button raises to $2.5, 1 fold, BB calls $2, MP folds.
Flop: ($5.75) 9c, 4s, 7c (2 players)
BB checks, Button bets $5.5, BB raises to $10.8, Hero calls $5.30.
Turn: ($27.35) 2d (2 players)
River: ($27.35) 4h (2 players)
Final Pot: $27.35
BB has 4d 5c (three of a kind, fours).
Hero has Tc Td (two pair, tens and fours).
Outcome: BB wins $27.35.
Weeee, calling raises oop with 45o and getting it in with bottom pair to hit another 4 on the river.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed)
Hand History Converter Tool from
(Format: HTML)
BB ($35.45)
UTG ($9.75)
MP ($22.30)
CO ($57.60)
Hero ($49.25)
SB ($37.15)
Preflop: Hero is Button with Ac, Td.
1 fold, MP calls $0.50, 1 fold, Button raises to $2.5, 2 folds, MP calls $2.
Flop: ($5.75) 3c, Tc, 3s (2 players)
MP bets $2.5, Button raises to $8, MP calls $5.50.
Turn: ($21.75) Js (2 players)
MP bets $11.8 (All-In), Hero calls $11.80.
River: ($45.35) 4c (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $45.35
MP has Th Jc (two pair, jacks and tens).
Hero has Ac Td (two pair, tens and threes).
Outcome: MP wins $45.35.
Why do I even raise anymore?
This is where it get's good. Villain was running 79/30 and paying people off left and right. The next hand came up and I knew the 3 better had a monster with his little raise. I never do this, but i was literally going out of my way to play pots with this guy. Well we flop our monster.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed)
Hand History Converter Tool from
(Format: HTML)
CO ($44.90)
Button ($20.10)
SB ($52.05)
Hero ($43.50)
UTG ($93.20)
MP ($46.30)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 6d, 5s.
UTG raises to $1, MP raises to $2.5, 3 folds, Hero calls $2, UTG calls $1.50.
Flop: ($7.75) 5h, Qs, 5c (3 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $3, MP raises to $6, Hero calls $6, UTG calls $3.
Turn: ($25.75) Kd (3 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $1, MP raises to $13, BB raises to $35, UTG calls $34, MP raises to $37.8, UTG calls $2.80.
River: ($136.35) Kh (3 players)
Final Pot: $136.35
Hero has 6d 5s (full house, fives full of kings).
UTG has Ks 8d (full house, kings full of fives).
MP has Ah Ad (two pair, aces and kings).
Outcome: UTG wins $136.35.
Sigh. 90% to win on the flop, and he catches 2 running kings. This was actually the first one that set the day's events into motion.
These next 2 hands were from the same guy. I'm just at a loss for words at his plays here. Of course the deck bails him out.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed)
Hand History Converter Tool from
(Format: HTML)
Button ($129.70)
SB ($24.20)
Hero ($69.40)
UTG ($41.45)
MP ($35.40)
CO ($79.50)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Ac, Kd.
3 folds, Button raises to $2.5, SB calls $2.25, BB raises to $10.5, Button folds, SB raises to $24.45, Hero calls $13.70.
Flop: ($51.15) 4c, Th, Jd (2 players)
Turn: ($51.15) 3d (2 players)
River: ($51.15) 8h (2 players)
Final Pot: $51.15
SB has Qd 3h (one pair, threes).
Hero has Ac Kd (high card, ace).
Outcome: SB wins $51.15.
Whenever someone flat calls in the blinds like this from a position raiser, they never have much of a hand. Their range is usually 2 overs or suited connectors. Did this guy really think I was going to fold to his shove? Is there a training site for this kind of stuff that i can sign up to?
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: HTML)
MP ($118.45)
CO ($46.20)
Hero ($49.25)
SB ($46.90)
BB ($39.75)
UTG ($79.15)
Preflop: Hero is Button with Ad, Kd.
1 fold, MP raises to $2, CO raises to $3.5, Hero calls $3.50, 2 folds, MP calls $1.50.
Flop: ($11.25) 9d, Jd, 7s (3 players)
MP checks, CO bets $5, Button raises to $15.5, MP folds, CO calls $10.50.
Turn: ($42.25) 3c (2 players)
CO bets $27.2 (All-In), Hero calls $27.20.
River: ($96.65) 8c (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $96.65
CO has 8d Ah (one pair, eights).
Hero has Ad Kd (high card, ace).
Outcome: CO wins $96.65.
I didnt like his little min raise pre flop at all. So I decided to cold call in position. The flop was good to me, and I wasn't going to fold to this donkey. His turn shove made me think he had some type of straight draw. I just didn't know how BAD his draw was. This is the hell I live in with Small Stakes NL. I'm sure there are people like this at .50/1 and 1/2 so it would just cost me more when this type of garbage happened. Today totally ruined everything stats wise. Maybe tomorrow things will change.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Decent Start to April

I dont feel like posting the hands so I'll just give a brief synopsis. The first one I get a guy all in on the river when I had the nuts and he called with 2 pair so I took his stack. On a diff table I got min 3 bet and called to see a flop. I had Jacks and spiked one on the flop, got it all in and he turned his queen for a better set.
Another hand I raised from the cutoff to $2.50 after a limper and got called by both blinds and the limper. I held AKs, flop came 5 9 A. BB leads for 1/3rd the pot and I raised and we got it all in. After my raise I really had no choice. He weak led the flop with a set and it held up. Not many people play that way at 50NL, only very few. I had to learn the hard way with him.
Overall I feel good about today. If I played my full 8 hours and maintained my $32.77/hr win rate, I end at $260 or so for the day. 5 buyins at any level is good for me. Till tomorrow!